KZ550 A1-A3, C1-C4, D1
Parts Diagrams for TK-22 Carbs
The parts diagrams are also available at
When you look up a part on the Kawasaki website, and click on a part number, there is a yellow question mark. This is a cross reference list showing all models that have that part number shown on their parts fiche. However, it does not mean that part is actually used on all of those models, only that the part number shows up on those drawings. The reason a part number would show up on a bike's parts fiche, without actually being on the bike, is because some fiche drawings are used on several models even though the different models will use different parts. In those cases where one drawn part will have several part numbers associated with it, the parts list will specify which part number is for which specific model. Also, some drawings will actually contain two or more drawings of the same, or similar, part for different models. That parts list will also specify in that case which part number is for which model.You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word to view the parts list.
You may also have to click "allow pop-ups" in the pop-up bar in Internet Explorer.Click on the images for full size, raw diagrams.
Parts fiche as MS Word Document.
Parts fiche as Adobe PDF Document.