SCREEN 12 PRINT "This program creates a chart of dwell time as a function of dwell angle and RPM." PRINT "" PRINT "This is best viewed on a printout." PRINT "If you have a printer, enter P to print." INPUT "If you do not have a printer, hit enter."; Cont$ IF Cont$ = "P" GOTO 2 IF Cont$ = "p" GOTO 2 GOTO 3 2 LPRINT " DWELL TIME" LPRINT "" LPRINT "This is Dwell time as a function of RPM and Dwell Angle." LPRINT "Dwell time in msec. Dwell angle in crank degrees." LPRINT "Dwell time = (Dwell Angle / RPM) * 166.6667 " LPRINT "This is for one coil fired from the crank one time per revolution." LPRINT "" LPRINT "Left side is Dwell Angle. Top is RPM. Chart is Dwell time in msec. " LPRINT "" LPRINT "To get the Dwell Time for 4000 RPM, divide the dwell time for 400" LPRINT "by 10." LPRINT "" LPRINT "" LPRINT " RPM" LPRINT " 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000" LPRINT "--------|------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------" FOR angle = 0 TO 360 STEP 10 LPRINT USING "###"; angle; LPRINT " deg : "; FOR rpm = 100 TO 1000 STEP 100 time = 166.6667 * angle / rpm time = time * 10 time = CINT(time) time = time / 10 LPRINT USING "###.#"; time; LPRINT " "; NEXT rpm LPRINT "" NEXT angle 3 CLS PRINT "To pause the screen: press CTRL & Break." PRINT "Then hit F4 to view the output screen." PRINT "" INPUT "hit enter to continue"; zz CLS PRINT " DWELL TIME" PRINT "" PRINT "This is Dwell time as a function of RPM and Dwell Angle." PRINT "Dwell time in msec. Dwell angle in crank degrees." PRINT "Dwell time = (Dwell Angle / RPM) * 166.6667 " PRINT "This is for one coil fired from the crank one time per revolution." PRINT "" PRINT "Left side is Dwell Angle. Top is RPM. Chart is Dwell time in msec. " PRINT "" PRINT "To get the Dwell Time for 4000 RPM, divide the dwell time for 400" PRINT "by 10." PRINT "" PRINT "" PRINT " RPM" PRINT " 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000" PRINT "--------|------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------" FOR angle = 0 TO 360 STEP 10 FOR timedelay = 1 TO 70000 NEXT timedelay PRINT USING "###"; angle; PRINT " deg : "; FOR rpm = 100 TO 1000 STEP 100 time = 166.6667 * angle / rpm time = time * 10 time = CINT(time) time = time / 10 PRINT USING "###.#"; time; PRINT " "; NEXT rpm PRINT "" NEXT angle