USA model Kz550, Zx550, Zr550 Oil Pans
This page describes the various oil pans used on Kawasaki Kz550, Zx550, and Zr550 motorcycles sold in the USA. The information may also apply to European and Canadian models.Gaskets
There were at least two types of gaskets, and probably more, used on the above mentioned bikes. The Kawasaki website no longer seems to show the entire supersede history of part numbers so it may be hard to determine the gasket part number originally supplied with a given motor. All of the above bikes now call for oil pan gasket 11060-1057 . This is the newest gasket and should be backward compatible with any of the older motors.Just for reference, one of the older numbers for the gasket was 11009-1057.
The shape of the gasket has evolved with the different versions of the oil pan. Here is an older one next to a newer one.
The older one is on the left. The newer one is on the right.
Notice the side areas are smaller on the newer one, and the newer one also has a cutout for an oil level sender found on later motors. This means an older gasket may not be compatible with a newer motor, without some slight modifications.
Here is a photo of them stacked to show the difference. The brown one is on top of the gray one.
Pan viewed from front of motor:
This photo shows how the front of the oil pan appears relative to the front of the motor. Note the rectangular flat area where an oil cooler would attach if the pan were drilled for it (in the green square). 1980 models and maybe some 1981 models did not have this.
Oil Pans, 7 Different Types
This section only applies to casting and machining. Cosmetic casting differences and paint/finishes are not being considered here.
Type 1 (Superseded to 49034-1002)
Type 1 came only on the first or possibly first and second year Kz550 line. This oil pan can be identified by the fact that it does not have an oil cooler mounting boss cast into it. Only a rounded lobe is found where the cooler lines would connect on later years. It has an oil pressure passaged tapped into the oil filter housing. An oil pressure sender is fitted to that passage.Type 1 is found on 1980, and maybe some 1981 Kz550A1-A2 (Standard) and Kz550C1-C2 (chain-drive Ltd.) models.
Type 2 (Superseded to 49034-1011)
Type 2 is the same as Type 1 except that the casting was changed to accept oil cooler lines for the 1981 Gpz550. Where Type 1 has a rounded lobe, Type 2 has a rectangular boss, drilled and tapped for the oil cooler lines. This rectangular boss is not square to the motor. It is at an angle, facing toward the centerline of the bike. Also, the rectangular boss must have some type of plug installed internally in order to re-route the oil through the cooler lines (rather than just passing straight into the motor).Type 2 is found on the 1981 Kz550D1 (Gpz).
Type 3 (Superseded to 49034-1002)
Type 3 is the same as Type 2 except the oil cooler boss is not drilled and tapped. It is just blank.Type 3 may be found on the 1981-1982 Kz550A2-A3 (Standard) and 1981-1983 Kz550C2-C4 (chain-drive Ltd.) models, but not the 1983 Kz550A4.
Type 4 (Superseded to 49034-1081)
Type 4 has major changes from the previous pans. The oil pressure tap to the oil filter is not drilled. A large area just in front of the drain plug has a recessed flat area with a large hole to accept an oil level sender (rather than an oil pressure sender). Accordingly, some fins are removed from this area. This pan has the oil cooler boss drilled and tapped. Another minor casting difference on the inside is that part of the oil-control wall near the drain plug has been deleted.Type 4 is found on the 1982-1983 Kz550H1-H2 (Gpz), and 1984-1985 Zx550A1-A2 (Gpz).
Type 5 (Superseded to 49034-1021)
Type 5 is the same as Type 4 except the oil cooler boss is not drilled and tapped. It is just blank.Type 5 is found on the 1983 Kz550M1 (shaft-drive Ltd.) and 1983-1984 Kz550F1-F2 (Spectre and shaft-drive Ltd.).
Type 6 (Superseded to 49034-1002)
Type 6 is the same as Type 5, but the oil level sender boss is not drilled. It is left blank. Instead, the oil pressure sender boss is drilled and tapped like the Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 pans.Type 6 is found on the 1983 Kz550A4 (Standard) model, and may be found on later 1981-1982 Kz550A2-A3 (Standard) and 1981-1983 Kz550C2-C4 (chain-drive Ltd.) models.
Type 7 (Superseded to 49034-1084)
Type 7 is cast similar to Type 6, but functionally, is the same as Type 2. Type 7 uses an oil pressure sender like Type 6 (and Type 2). Also, like Type 6, it has the flat area cast in for the oil level sender boss without being drilled/tapped for the level sender. However, Type 7 is drilled and tapped for oil cooler lines.The internal casting around the oil level sender is also slightly different. The oil-control wall near the drain plug has been restored similar to earlier pans, but the shape of the main oil-control wall is slightly different. There are also some additional oil-control walls not found on earlier pans.
Type 7 is found on the 1990-1993 Zr550B1-B4 (Zephyr) model.